(It's Not) About Us

It’s about the Kingdom.

The Nicea Group is a consulting firm dedicated to declaring the crown rights of King Jesus over all things–including every facet of Christian colleges, schools, ministries, and businesses. By showing Christian organizations how the cosmic Lordship of Jesus applies to the smallest details of their work and institutions, we help them become more faithful and effective. And successful. The Nicea Team brings its extensive experience in Christian higher education administration and business to strengthen ministries, schools, and businesses.  Nicea is dedicated to assist Christian organizations in achieving their most important calling: to serve their Lord and King faithfully and effectively.

Our Mission: Helping Christian organizations become more faithful and effective.

Our Name: The Nicea Group takes its name from the Council of Nicea (also spelled Nicaea), A.D. 325, one of the great ecumenical councils of the early Christian church. The Nicea Council was called together to solve various challenges of mission, vision and practice within the early church. It clarified how Christ was both man and God, providing one of the earliest formulations of the doctrine of the unity and diversity of the Holy Trinity as later summarized in the Nicene Creed. In that same spirit, the Nicea Group provides consulting services to help Christian organizations, especially those which embrace the “mere Christianity” found in the Nicene Creed, to overcome their challenges and to encourage them to become more faithful and effective in their unity and diversity for achieving their missions and advancing Christ’s Kingdom.

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Our Values

Kingdom Vision

Jesus is the exalted King of heaven and earth. He rules over every heart, tongue, tribe, and nation. And he is Lord over every aspect of your organization. His cosmic Lordship has profound implications for everything we do, how we do it, and why. We are committed to doing everything, in word and deed, for the King of kings and his Kingdom.


We are committed to performing our work and encouraging our clients to have Christ-like honesty and integrity in word and deed.


We encourage the unity of the Christian community with all our clients who profess the Christian faith, summarized by the Nicene Creed.


We seek to provide high quality advice and counsel and to encourage our clients also to provide high quality services and products of high value.


We are devoted to speaking the truth clearly and in love, giving unambiguous counsel, and encouraging our clients to serve their stakeholders with equal clarity.


We seek to serve our clients faithfully, as unto Christ, according to His Word and to encourage our clients to do likewise.


We are committed to helping our clients accomplish their goals effectively and efficiently through a multitude of godly counselors, recognized experts, global leaders, and experienced consultants who are tried and tested in their respective fields.
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Helping Christian organizations become more effective and faithful